Thursday, February 17, 2011

View the new 30 second ad released

Comments to this site are not moderated and we welcome negative as well as positive comment. We would only like to discourage our friends from hiding behind the "anonymous" tag. Here is the 30sec partner to the ad we posted previously. Please remember that it's not full resolution. Also remember that these are aimed at getting one message out and will be highly effective in achieving that.


  1. I very much like how your organisation is prepared to actively promote BDAQ to the public.

  2. I am glad the BDAQ has an agenda to publicly promoting itself. However, I do not believe the current TV ads are hitting the mark.
    I have been collecting comments on the ads:
    * looks cheap and joyce mayne style
    * embarrassing
    * selling BDAQ cheap
    * Is this a joke?
    * Not exactly moving to the 21st century
    There have been no positive comments as yet. A fellow BDAQ member has comment to me that the ad "supports the position of engaging professionals to run with branding & marketing etc. It makes you wonder who gets the final say on how the organization is represented"
    Low quality advertising like this does far more to harm a reputation. We would be better to do no advertising at all than run with this style of campaign. I am so glad for my clients that none of their houses are featured in the ad.

  3. We received this in an email from a member.

    "Thank you ........I have noticed the ads on T.V as well, very exciting."

    BDAQ Office
